Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Leaves of Concrete

Yesterday I went with Aunt V. to a garden club event-- an outdoor (in a garage) class on how to make concrete leaves in a sand and Saran Wrap cast. The materials are simple--I have everything I need except the cement-- a bag of vinyl patch Quikrete. I can find sand, pails, gloves, plastic wrap and things to scrape with and even left over spray paint. I hope to try it soon. I did one small leaf (easier to transport home) that is still drying but I would love to try a larger specimen--rhubarb, butterbur, hosta and more. I took a photo of one of the leaves created by our instructor:

It was 80 + and humid so we all kept drinking lemonade and ice-water to stay hydrated. The two retired husbands who attended helped by making sure the Quikrete mix was the correct consistency (instructions suggested thick brownie mix) and we all tried our hand at forming a (vinyl) leaf. I am hoping to have a successful "reveal" to post soon, if this heat wave ever subsides. The leaves need to cure for a week after they have dried and have been removed from their casting, and then the painting and sealing begins, so it is not an instant rewards project, but I think that this is something I can do. I have always wanted to do my own garden stones, but these are much more natural and can be made into flat stepping stones if desired, or rounded out (mold the sand underneath the leaves to desired shape) to form a bowl or even birdbath basin. We were all excited to go home and get creative.

Our instructor has a large garden/property, but the August blooms were few there as well, except for the baskets and containers. I couldn't help but capture a few more Hibiscus blooms, however, and some cute "jacks" that are on their way to red with no remaining leaves visible.

Jack-in-the-Pulpit "fruit"

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