Monday, September 20, 2010

At the Beach Again

The dune grass at Lake Michigan was looking very healthy. What else thrives in the sand? I found the specimen below, whatever it is. But the most beautiful thing about the beach this particular weekend was that there was no one else there! Two kayaks drifted by once, but otherwise the great space stretched out endlessly just for us.

At the farm market:
 Lots of pumpkins, white and warty, ready for fall decorating.

The Red Delicious apples appeared to be ripe for picking. A late apple, they are usually ready some time in October, so it may be a few more weeks... The apples were abundant, and amazingly perfect, the branches of the trees hanging heavy and low with their sweet offering.

This time we bypassed the animals. The farm market was deluged with children, taking rides through those apple trees and having pumpkin fun, but Marissa couldn't resist helping one donkey to some fresh grass.

The sky view at the lake is always changing and often stunning.


Sunsets are great as well, but grab the camera quickly!