Tuesday, February 19, 2013

No Flowers in February

I always overwinter a few plants in my basement laundry room, such as the pot of succulents above. Over the weekend I brought a few upstairs, sprinkled them and set them near a sunny window. I also have several geraniums in pots--but nothing is in bloom.

I checked with the the site of Chicago Botanical Gardens. Of course they have indoor tropicals etc. blooming, but outdoors it seems they have a bit of witch hazel that was beginning to bloom in the January thaw, but not much else.

So we are all awaiting Spring, here in the Midwest, longing for a color fix, or even just some sign of green growth sprouting!

Saturday it was sunny and I treated a few lucky basement plants to a day in the sun.

New growth on a bergenia cordifolia was welcome--I uprooted it in fall cleanup at my aunt's house and since it barely had any roots attached, I decided to pot it up and try to save it indoors.

Bergenia cordifolia with new green growth

I again saved the amaryllis that bloomed for Easter last year. Nothing is sprouting yet, but I have been treating it to some upstairs warmth and natural light and expect something from this large green bulb soon:

The red & white amaryllis

I don't know how this pathetic little african violet has survived in such a small pot:

Tiny African violet

I am so starved for growing things that I even set this red onion in a pot, since it seemed so eager to grow:

Next month will officially be Spring. I will have to enjoy looking out the window at the snow while I can. Check out the Martha Blog--she has 72 gorgeous photos of her farm in the newly fallen snow, posted February 15, 2013.


  1. It's 86 degrees and sunny right now in Orlando! Plenty of green here :)

  2. Ooh--too hot! Your whole world is a giant greenhouse.
