Friday, May 4, 2018

My Tall and Proud Amaryllis

I can't resist one more post/pic of my amaryllis bulb in bloom, which I think is in its 8th year now under my care. And of course, I am the one with all the pride.

These are the last two blooms on the original bulb's stalk. One year it produced four blooms. But last year it had a baby. I found a larger pot for it this spring and the baby produced three blooms, earlier. Having a baby always takes a little out of you! However, the mother stalk grew a little taller than the upstart sidekick.

I am still experimenting a little with the new camera on my S9 Samsung phone, and the new photo editor. I applied an edit here which was called cozy. I like that. It just warms it up a tad.

My side yard (in view) is still a little undeveloped, but many hostas are yet to fill it in. Notice the tulip patch, which began to open up just yesterday. Now the blooms are closed due to last night's rain and cooler morning weather.