Saturday, August 31, 2013

End of Summer - Stonecrop Sedum and more

Aunt V's Hibiscus

As the last blooms are fading on the hibiscus moscheutos, and the exuberant white hydrangea mopheads are turning fall-ish, the pluming fountain grasses and the stonecrop sedums are coming into their full glory.

The bees are very busy, moving now from the perovskia atriplicifolia to the pink sedum heads.

M's Sedum

The mums are still holding back, as they should, and a few of the hostas are still blooming white. Bold perennial color is a little elusive at this time of the year, but the cannas, the callas, the dahlia bulbs and other tropicals are stealing the glory yet for a little while. The reputedly psychotropic potted brugmansia plant at Aunt V's is in full bloom. The mandevillas are finally twining and full.

I just love the sun-kissed leaves on the canna I bought this year which blooms in yellow, tinged with red. It is growing gloriously tall, with some diamond frost euphorbia at its feet.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sunday, August 4, 2013