Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Theme Park Gardens

Mother's Day this year found me at Epcot in Orlando with two of my three daughters. It was the final days of the annual Epcot Flower and Garden Show.

Upon entering the park all who were perceived to be a Mom (I was flanked by two 30 somethings--pretty obvious, I guess) received a white carnation. It was a wonderful day of beauty (and Beauty and the Beast), simulated rides, topiaried characters, and wonderful food--topped off with a gourmet meal at Monsieur Paul in France.

There were flowers and topiaries all over the park, but a highlight was an extra tour, Behind the Seeds. The plants grown in what looked like sand were indoor and bug free. With ideal watering and fertilizing conditions, they were perfectly productive--a little Disney magic in this park as well!

Enjoy the photos and plan to attend next year if you love growing things, theme parks and are willing to spend a few dollars. Or if you have daughters and it's Mother's Day! Credit goes to a certain daughter's phone for a few of these photos.

"Cinderella" pumpkin needs a hammock


winter melon

Our tour guide offered us some crisp cucumber slices.

Perfect Bananas!

Perfect pansies! Oops, violas

Jack Fruit

Flower Show entry

Lion King topiary

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Wednesday Wildflower Walk in the Woods

A patch of trillium

The usual garden club April wildflower walk was postponed  because April was indeed a month of showers. On Monday I had  lunch on an outdoor deck, enjoying some celery and parsnip soup with a garnish of ramp pistou--that was a new one! On Wednesday the temperature approached the mid-eighties and the wildflowers were (almost literally) popping out from the forest floor. The trillium were in full glory, and I saw ramps growing wild.

celery and parsnip soup with ramp pistou

After  lunch we checked out the still over-flowing river:

On the Wednesday walk in the woods I learned a few new wildflower names, but can't remember them all. I will have to look them up. But here are some of the lovelies I have names for:

trout lily


Dutchman's Breeches